Ligence is a Lithuanian startup founded in 2019, specializing in the automation of echocardiography using artificial intelligence. Its flagship product automates the analysis of cardiac ultrasound images, significantly reducing examination time. This innovative solution allows cardiologists to focus on making critical clinical decisions rather than performing time-consuming manual measurements. Ligence seamlessly integrates with existing hospital systems and operates in compliance with leading standards, offering a transparent solution that enhances workflow efficiency, diagnostic accuracy, and patient throughput.
The Ligence system addresses one of the world’s biggest health challenges – cardiovascular diseases, which are the leading cause of death globally. By automating echocardiography, Ligence not only eases the burden on overworked medical staff but also enables faster and more reliable diagnoses, which are crucial for prompt intervention and treatment. As an impact-oriented company, it gives doctors more time to attend to patients’ needs.

Investment date: November 2024
Founders: Arnas Karužas, Karolis Šablauskas, Dovydas Matuliauskas, Antanas Kiziela
Location: Lithuania